Monday, October 13, 2008

Yes, I am a superhero.

Alright folks I've been through quite a few things since my last post so I figured I'd fill you all in on my life. First I'll start with the awards banquet. It was at Joy Luck in B town. It started off with a lion dance, I was Buddha. We performed for about 20 minutes and I had a lot of fun. The best part of it was, though, after we finished and I took off my mask my buddy Daniel's 3 year old daughter came up to me and told me "You were an awesome superhero." I definitely had a good laugh at that and asked her if her daddy had told her to say that. She said no and went running back to her parents. I have to be honest folks, that got me smiling all night. After the lion dance I sat down and started conversing. As we were all talking the food came out and the awards were presented. I was rewarded for lion dancing and my two rank advancements over the past year and got an honorable mention for most outstanding intermediate student. All and all it was a lot of fun and there was some great food and lots great people around. The rest of the night ended up being somewhat uneventful.
Anyway that is pretty much all thats new with me, feel free to comment on these posts people.


Becca B said...

Glad you're blogging! Fun to hear from you!

Brian and Lindsey said...

Hey Patrick, we miss seeing you Sundays! How's your job going?

Alissa B said...

Congrats on your award and a successful banquet. Super heros are cool.